
#32 Watch My Daughter Embrace Her Purpose as a Woman as She Plays with Her Toys and Pretends to be Mommy, not Beyonce

My desire to be a housewife comes from my desire to....

Watch my daughter embrace her purpose as a woman as she plays with her toys and pretends to be Mommy, not Beyonce.

Yesterday, I took the time to browse through a few of the blogs that I recently subscribed to for updates.  I came across a very popular blog My Brown Baby and couldn't help but to read through  the entire post about padded bras for preteen girls.

What? I was appalled to say the least.  Are we that warped in our societal minds that we have subconciously began to sexualize our young girls.  Why would we want to cause attention to the underdeveloped breasts of a 10 year old child?

As I asked myself these questions, I wondered what really could be done.  In the blogworld especially, we often vent about our frustrations with the outside world and take no action.  The next generation hasn't even reached puberty and they are already being exposed to the schemes of the enemy.  Who is the enemy, you ask?  It's anyone who claims indifference and turns a blind eye to padded bras.

I refuse to be one of those people.  I am now in prayer as to what the Lord would have me to do.  I am asking that each of you do the same...Whether you have a 3 month old daughter or a niece that's 22.  We need to take a stand.  Like the saying goes, "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything".  What are you falling for?

I thank God that when my daughter is here, her role model will be me.  I will not allow her to be desensitized to the perversity of the media and pop culture.  What she watches, wears, hears, and eats will be monitored by myself and her father.  No excuses.  If my selfish desires and career advancement prevents me from covering her, I will have to answer to God when I am judged.

Take some time to cover your children in prayer today, unborn and born.  I declare that they will desire to be like you (godly, virtuous and full of integrity) and not like the icons of the world.

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