
I'm tired, ya'll!

There are a few things that I am honestly tired of.  Low self-esteem among teens girls, little boys knowing every word to Gucci Mane's CD but reading below their grade level, and people who operate in a poverty mindset.

The latter is probably the one that wears me out the most.  Not because I feel that I am better than those who operate in lack, but because they often try to persuade me and you to do the same.  What's even more discouraging about them is that they often succeed in getting people to walk their journey of "not enough" with them.

Not this one!  I refuse to be swept into deception.  It's not okay for me to settle for right now and do what I got to do.  I will not spend my life working to make my boss and his boss filthy rich.  My time, talents, and ideas are valuable and I WILL make them work for me.  Even if means losing the support of those who crave "stability" and things that "make sense".

My God is the God of the supernatural, the unexplained, and the uncommon.  I will not fear the things of the world, I will only fear Him. 

I love my mother dearly, but she said something to me today that made me really sad.  For her and for the mentality of the kingdom of God.  Her words of wisdom to me were that if I didn't get a job I wouldn't be able to accrue of have the option of social security....

If you're thinking "that makes a lot of sense, you have to be smart these days, we're in a recession".....I'm tired of you too!  STOP!  YOU HAVE BEEN DECIEVED BY THE WAYS OF THE WORLD AND HAVE BELIEVED IN THE FALSE SECURITY SET UP BY THOSE WHO DESIRE TO KEEP YOU IN BONDAGE!!!!

Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will."

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Having a strong positive mentality in life is one key weapon to success. No one was created into the world with an empty hand. We all came in with talents and responsibilities from God. I therefore agree with you not to conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
    stay blessed
